Adam Lanza, 20, was armed with two handguns and a semi-automatic Bushmaster .223 rifle Friday morning when he barged into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. Authorities said all the weapons were legally owned and registered by Nancy Lanza, the shooter's mother.
According to police, a Glock handgun, a Sig Sauer handgun and a Bushmaster rifle were recovered after the shooting at Sandy Hook. Authorities say that Nancy Lanza had five weapons registered to her, including a Glock, a Sig Sauer and a Bushmaster.
Acquaintances of Nancy Lanza told the New York Times that the 52-year-old mother was a big fan of guns. She had several different guns and would go target shooting with her kids. She was originally from New Hampshire and was comfortable with weapons.
Reports that Adam Lanza may have suffered from a personality disorder are being supported by people who knew that the mother had a troubled son.
A classmate of the shooter from kindergarten through middle school said Adam was “quiet” and “one of the smartest students in school.” She said that Adam “was always participating in class and everything.” But she said her former classmate with whom she rode the school bus “sort of vanished” after their junior high years. “He almost fell off the radar in middle school,” she said.
The shooter's aunt, Marsha Lanza, said that Adam’s mother pulled him out of Newtown public schools because of a dispute over the district's plan for her son. She ended up home-schooling him because “she battled with the school district,” the aunt said.
Newtown’s school superintendent, Janet Robinson, told reporters that Nancy Lanza had no connection to Sandy Hook School despite initial reports that she was on the faculty or a substitute teacher there.
Lanza divorced her husband, Peter, in 2009 when Adam was 17. As part of their divorce settlement, she got the house, and she did not have to work because Peter, a financial executive, left her very well off.