Karis Way

Random thoughts from Eagan, Minn.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Kilts and tackles

Published Date: 16 February 2009 in The Scotsman of Edinburgh


IT MAY be a tradition, but Scottish men's habit of "going commando" in a kilt is increasingly disgusting firms hiring Highland dress.
Several companies are now requesting that customers keep their pants on when they hire a kilt to protect staff and future customers from unhygienic tartan.

Leading Scottish kilt-making firm Slanj has written a clause into its hire terms requesting that underwear is worn at all times. Other firms, such as the prestigious Geoffrey (Tailor) Kiltmakers and Marchbrae Clothing, both on Edinburgh's Royal Mile, have said they also back this policy.

The companies have introduced the clause because of the habit of some men to return extremely soiled garments.

While the firms dry clean the garments before they are hired out again, some kilts are so dirty they are unhygienic for staff to handle.

Slanj, which has made kilts for Sir Sean Connery, Ewan McGregor and Billy Connolly, has just launched its hire service but introduced the clause because of previous experience. The company has come up with a rhyme that is displayed on posters around its stores in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen, in a bid to encourage its customers to consider wearing underwear.

It reads: "Though Scots like to prance/About in their kilts wearing nae pants/Fir the next punter make it fair/Dinnae firgit to wear a pair."

Craig Halley, Slanj's co-owner, said: "A lot of our staff worked in the hire sector previously and found the biggest problem was cleaning the kilts. People were hiring them to wear at weddings, parties and football and rugby matches.

"It doesn't require a huge leap of imagination to picture what kind of states they would come back in. Because of this and the potential hygiene problems, we are politely asking people to wear underwear."

Other hire companies with a similar policy have said say the move is for their customers' own good. Gary Wilson, manager of Marchbrae Clothing, said: "From a personal point of view, I certainly would wear underwear with a hire kilt for my own hygiene reasons, and most hire companies do encourage it. You don't know where it has been beforehand."

However, other companies believe that forcing people to wear pants is going too far and are backing a man's right to free choice on the matter.

Marty Stevens, manager of Davison Menswear and Kilt Hire, said: "I wouldn't wear underwear with a kilt because that's not the way it is supposed to be done. Wearing a kilt is quite warm even on a cold day and it is more comfortable.

"We've had customers who have absolutely no shame whatsoever, with soils front and back. But 98 per cent will be all right, with just the usual beer spills, and if they are gross then we'll charge the customer even more for cleaning it."

The wearing of kilts in Scotland can be traced back to the 16th century, but became popular across the whole of the country in the 19th century.

Not wearing underwear under a kilt is a Scottish military tradition. During the First World War, some Sergeant Majors reportedly used mirrors tied to the end of golf clubs to look up and under the kilt during inspections.

Commando or undercover agent? Bare truth revealed

Howie Nicholsby, designer kiltmaker:
Wears pants

"After nine years of wearing a kilt every day, 90 per cent of the time I'm wearing underwear. It's only when I'm at a wedding or a special occasion that I might not, because it's more comfortable and for health reasons.

"Generally, wearing a kilt is better for your health because you're not constricting that area and the air is able to flow around.

"I think true Scots who like to wear kilts a lot will wear underwear, it's just more hygienic. Generally, people who make a big thing about not wearing underwear are doing it for the show-off factor. It's a mindset and stereotype that we could do with getting out of."

Gavin Hastings, former Rugby Union player:
No pants

"I don't hire my kilts, I've got my own. But they've always said that when you hire a kilt, you pay for the dry cleaning anyway, so what's the problem? People have the choice; they can buy their kilt, and those who wear them a lot will do that – for the rest, they can just get them dry cleaned."

John Smeaton, Glasgow terror attack hero:
No pants

"IF YOU want to be a true Scotsman, you don't wear underwear. It is tradition and you should stick to it.

"I can understand if they're hiring them out that they feel that way, but they should expect that true Scotsmen won't wear underwear. Maybe they should just add a little bit more to the bill for dry cleaning."

Mark Cousins, film critic:
No pants

"WHY would I wear underwear? The whole point is for extra comfort. I'm in Calcutta at the moment, and I get asked that question 10 times a day.

"It's stupid. This company is trying to be cool and unbossy, but if they don't like the business, get out of it. It undoes the whole reason for wearing a kilt."

Readers’ comments:

AD in sunny Livingston,

How mingin! Do some guys just have no pride at all?

Perhaps the kilt hire people need to be taking a bigger deposit and telling customers that they'll get some of it back if the garment's brought back in good condition?


Why don't the hire companies put a disposable liner in every time. Add the cost of that to the hire. It's not rocket science to work that out!

Charles Linskaill,

Absolutely! Totally Laughable! And how is one going to test if a kilt was worn by the bearer that has no underwear on?

I can just see the “Kilt Hire Companies” getting all their staff, to do “Sniff Testing” :))

I will be OK though! I will wear my “Tartan Thong” under my Kilt!

The “Babes Love It”, and I might get a “Pull”!

Eoin Stewart,

I have to say that when wearing my kilt the Mrs. has pointed out more than once that my tackle has had its fair share of public exposure ; I would agree that the subject is laughable. Must have been a slow news day!


I wear kilts every day. I'm the proud owner of 17 bespoke kilts in a variety of tartans including those associated with my family by merchants beginning in the 19th century. I have to admit that I do wear underwear under my kilts at all times. It does help keep the drycleaning bills down. However, I wear underwear for a far more important reason. I'm in a wheelchair! If a good stiff breeze hits me head-on, I can easily scare children and impress the ladies due to aerodynamic kilt-lifting!

Dave James,

This is not a problem only with Kilts. There are some individuals, we all know, whose habits are not of the most refined. A few too many at the local watering hole leads to some unfortunate incidents. The wearing of a kilt isn't common in the U.S., but there are some of us. In the Convention, Tradeshow industry there are more than a few... Sitting on seats of equipment left out in the sun in Las Vegas at 120 F. will elicit a more than lovely remark if you don't wear tighty whitelys. Though most of us don't, we like the ventilation.

Ninian Reid,

It would seem to me, the non-wearing of underpants by these kilted, weekend savages proves - beyond doubt - they're "sticking" to tradition. Quite literally, it would appear.


Oh, don't take away one of the few free enjoyments we have.

Kilts are very sexy. The way they move when the wearer is walking along is pure poetry - and on a windy day in Edinburgh, a little cheek exposure is worth waiting for.

Steve Foley,

Any time I have worn a kilt I have always worn a pair of dark coloured cotton briefs, usually navy blue or black underneath, for comfort, hygiene and decency.

Clive Hamblin,

When I bought my first kilt, I'd no idea which side to take. Eventually, I sought advice and was told, ”Some do, some don't. If you choose to use ordinary jockey pants, wear them inside out - it prevents fall out!"

AJ Fife,

By not wearing pants, the kilt wearing Scot helps protect the environment. The saving on toilet roll should not be underestimated!


First of all, I can't believe how people return things that are rented. I worked in a video store and had a DVD returned with peanut butter on it. Having said that, I think any girl I know goes to the Highland games hoping for a stiff breeze.


In kilt parade order on a cold frosty morning it could be very uncomfortable particularly standing at ease. It was common practise to pin together the tails of the long army shirt to keep out drafts. Going commando is a relic of the past to try to deter lice and crabs, nearly as backward as kilt wearing.

Dr Blockbuster aka Vince,

Scottish men's habit of "going commando" in a kilt? ... well, I'm schorry but Dr Blockbuster says "That's SHOW business!" :wink:

...AND, as to there being any division of wearers ... well, that's just a “phallacy"!

Yok Finney,

To egress without a kilt in this bitten doon weather is the mark of insanity! Cotton flimsies also called "jeans" are the total death trap. OK, the tackle needs storing below body heat, but not at brass monkey temperature.

I'm all for "commando" for OWNERS of kilts, but I can accept that the hygiene aspect for hired garments must be considered.

At a family wedding many of the men who own their own kilts and usually go commando hired kilts because they were asked to wear the tartan of the bride. They did wear pants for their own protection.

Jay Kay,

I’ll tell ye this (as said in my best heiland accent) the only thing to ever be worn under the kilt is 8" of nice, bright red silk ribbon, tied to the tackle in a big bow. Now if the lassies want a look, and be honest guys, on a nicht oot at the dancin how many wimin have had a go at liftin yer kilt eh! Well then, when they have a go, give them more than they barganed for! And it’s a kilt, man; ye can wash it, ye kna.


I gather that in general, kilt wearers are not allergic to wool?

Contact dermatitis on one’s, ah, tackle, would be rather unpleasant.


There once was a lad from fair Dumfries
‘neath his kilt was exposed to the cold breeze
By the time he reached Wick,
Ice had formed on his tackle
And he longed for a pair of BVD’s

Joe Macdelta,

If it’s your own kilt, by all means be true scots, if its hired be prepared to pay for cleaning, it’s fair enough.

The ex Pat,

Nothing should be worn under the kilt as your tackle should always be in working order.

Friar Tuck,

Maybe we should all wear slips (underskirts) to protect the fine wool fabric from contamination! Just imagine the feel of a silky smooth fabric on your tackle! If you feel embarrassed buying one, borrow one of your wife's or shop online at Victoria's Secrets.


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